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Our educational system is based on merit with a ‘survival of the smartest’ approach. Be it basic or higher education, we have to be among the best to stay in the race. With the quality of education improving in every stream, the ‘competition for space’ is proportionally blowing out every day. And how do we assure ourselves to attain the education we desire? It of course, is through a horde of examinations we attend through our career.
These entrance examinations have a profoundly ruthless scheme- To filter and throw away the unwanted. They do it through question papers striking improbable balances and sweat us to our farthest limitations. And of all the obstacles, hurdles and hitches that we encounter, one common problem that rightly haunts everyone’s time in an examination is THE QUANTITATIVE APTITUDE. No matter how our time management or processing skills are, quantitative aptitude is often what stands as the most important check point we need to cross and it is never too easy. And for students from non mathematics streams it is a nightmare.

About JustQuant
JustQuant® is a website aimed to help students in building their quantitative aptitude. Initially started as a blog we now share our knowledge on quantitative aptitude through topics, blogs and through video tutorials on techniques and tricks to tackle quantitative aptitude. The topics and videos will be released in regular intervals into web platforms for users to access. You can either access the videos through youtube or through our website and if you like the content, you can subscribe to our channels and pages
Why Choose US
At JustQuant® we help you in organising your learning. Built on the lines of learning management system we are working on making JustQuant® a better place to build and share your knowledge on Quantitative Aptitude online. By registering to our website you can leverage features likes extended user profiles which helps you in tracking your progress and you can get in touch with the developers and the trainers of JustQuant®. Register and start learning quantitative aptitude, to find yourself more integrated to the scene.
My Hero
“Never fear failure, but learn from your mistake” – My father taught me in my child hood when i was weeping on scoring low marks. He was against the education system based on merit, but always wanted us to apply what we learn. I as a child was fascinated towards Maths and Cricket mainly because of my father who taught me Maths by kind of relating it to Cricket – a learning journey that i would cherish through out my life. I miss him dearly. My value system is a result of his brought up. You will see him in my works. I hope my works will help a lot more people which in turn may make his soul happy. JustQuant or any application that i develop on Mathematics, i hereby dedicate them in memory of my Father. I, his shadow for ever will strive to share my leanings from him through these applications.
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Shankarapuram, Basavanagudi,
Bangalore, Karnataka, India - 560004.